It was another day of intervals! Today I followed the C25K W2 set. It consisted of 90 second runs and 2 min walks. I did all of my walks at 3.5 mph and the first 4 runs at 5.5 mph, next 4 runs at 5.3 mph and the final one at 5.5 mph. I did a total of 40 mins. It only called for 6 running intervals, but I added 3 more to up my running and speed :) It wasn't that much harder either. I find once I am going I just want to keep going! I did get my heart rate up much easier today so I felt like I got more of a workout from just the intervals. I think I will do the 90 second routine again on Monday, maybe Wednesday too (have to see how I feel).
I have not decided what I am doing tomorrow. I have Zac's play the next two nights and it will go until at least 9:30pm. PAST MY BEDTIME. I was thinking, if I felt up to it, I would do my 31:15 run in the morning and take a rest day on Friday. I know I will not be rested properly for my Friday workout. I won't know until the morning, so I will have to let you know tomorrow what I decide to do :)
Today was my WW meeting. I lost another pound, bringing my total to 21.4 lost!!! May not be big amounts, but I am still losing. This week I really need to focus on tracking really well! I know it helps me lose the most.
I had put a roast in the crock pot last night with a bottle of Italian dressing. Then we pulled it apart today and had on ciabatta rolls with provolone cheese. It was DELISH! Such an easy recipe :) Tomorrow my future in-laws are coming to town to see Zac's play. I think we will have the pulled beef for dinner then as well!
Got to run and get everything ready for tomorrow and another load of laundry done before bed! Always busy around here. Hope everyone else is doing well too!
~Chat Soon~
Congrats on the new weight loss! You are doing such a great job!! You're running success has been inspiring to me. Keep up the good work and thanks for all your support!