
Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Today I did my weekly weigh in at my WW meeting.  I haven't been this high in so long and it is trying to send me on a spiral downward. 

My goal for this day, yes one day at a time right now, is:
  • to track my food
  • eat better
  • 30 mins of activity (which will probably be cleaning the house)
I bought a journal and a 3 ring binder today (so I can keep all my recipes or motivational articles in one place).  I still plan on blogging but I thought maybe the journal would help get the thoughts out of my head as they happen, rather than waiting to write an entire blog.  Also, I could add recipes I come across or good websites to check out.  It will be a resource as well.

I titled this blog "CAN" because that is what I need to think right now.
  • I CAN be happy.
  • I CAN track.
  • I CAN check points plus values on food.
  • I CAN get exercise in regularly.
  • I CAN make time for me.
  • I CAN make time for my family.
I am sure there are more and I will work on adding to this list as I think of them.  Right now I need to focus my energy and the positives in my life and learn how to deal with the negatives better.  I really have no idea how to do this, but I know I HAVE TO TRY!

Life is definitely not easy and right now I feel like I am failing, but I am DETERMINED as well to NOT GIVE UP.  I can't let these negative feelings win.  I need to find my happy self.  The one that loves her body no matter what a scale says.  I need to feel successful again and right now I have been fighting with it a lot. 

I have been getting really good at faking it and that IS NOT WORKING!  I must change this. 
  • Scratch that - I CAN CHANGE THIS
    • I don't know how exactly yet, but I am starting with today and will take it one day at a time!
Thank you for taking the time to read this and help me with this journey.  Even just knowing it is getting read and that I am sharing my feelings helps me too!

If you have any suggestions to try I welcome ideas.  I will keep you posted on my progress.

~Chat Soon~

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