
Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I may not be a winner at weight loss this week...but I DID my first 5k in 6 years!!!  I wasn't fast and I walked a lot, but I was hoping to be done in 45 mins and I finished around 44:30!!!  It's amazing when you are coming near the clock and know exactly how fast you need to go to make your goal how much fast you can run.  I was thinking about it throughout the run and didn't think the final sprint was going to be very successful but boy was I wrong.  Sure, I was huffing and puffing, but that was expected since I did push hard.  I may try this strategy throughout an entire 5K and maybe that will help improve my time as well!  It was kind of like my speed training that I was doing before.  But if I applied it to the race I may have some great success!  I need to definitely do some more outdoor training but I at least know I can finish and within my timed goals I set :)  I have my next race already planned and that is for April 30th!  I hope my friend can be there again to cheer me on...that was definitely a highlight of my run!  I love her so much :)

Well I need to go chat with the Rec Center people and see about personal training and getting that going.  For my birthday, my friend gave me two personal training sessions and I am planning on purchasing 8 more!  I think this will really help me lose or at least define my body better!  I figure if I go to them they can help me make sure I am doing things correctly and so I get the most out of them as possible.  I still have not worked out a very good schedule for working out regularly, but the weather has been so crappy that I don't want to be outside.  It was quite amazing that I actually ran the 5K tonight with the wind and cold!  I was quite determined though.  I need to be that way about everyday runs though and I need to get my bike out too!  I really can do this if i JUST DO IT!  Always loved that Nike slogan!!!  

Well I am tired and I have another long day tomorrow.  It should be nice so we should be working!  I have a relaxing afternoon scheduled for Thursday.  I go get a one hour massage then my hair cut!  It should be a great day of pampering :)

~Chat Soon~

1 comment:

  1. That is so great!! You are doing so well and you continue to be an inspiration to me. Look forward to my first 5K - while I may not be fast either, I know I can finish!


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