
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Success So Far!

I know it's only been two days, but I have stuck to my goal of tracking everything!  It has made me feel pretty good to do this.  I haven't been perfect, but that's OK.  I did however, stay within my points and that is good.  I have also been satisfied every day!

Tracker for Wednesday 2/2

Today I asked my friend to lunch today because I thought she needed someone to talk to  :)  It was fun.  I stopped and bought her some flowers and a book.  It felt really good doing these nice things!  We went out for Mexican.  I had a chicken salad.  I had them put the cheese and ranch on the side.  I used very little of both!  It was quite delicious even if it was worth quite a few points (it had a lot of chicken and black beans) but I did aim high on all of my points values since they were all guesses anyways!

Tonight John wanted grill cheese and tomato soup.  One would think this wouldn't be so bad, but I like to use a heartier bread and Havarti cheese.  I did measure out 1 oz of cheese and just made one sandwich.  I also cut it into smaller pieces so I got the feeling of having more :)  It really worked.

I got lots of activity today :)  I went to the gym first thing this morning and did kettle balls and abs!  Then after work I did about 20-25 mins of cross country skiing at home.  I look forward to them grooming the trail though because it was quite icy and had new snow on top so I was all over the place.  I also need to make sure I take my contacts with me so I can see for the entire time (my glasses get fogged up just after starting).  I met a couple of people along the way and then seemed happy that I was out checking out the trail :)  I really look forward to my next ski day :)  If I feel up to it, I may tomorrow night or maybe just wait until Saturday during the day.  We'll have to wait and see!

Tomorrow is running again.  I will know when I get on the treadmill what run I plan on doing.  I can really feel the skiing right now (had to go up a hill to get back to the truck).  But I am hoping to be on to the 8 min runs :)

My favorite read of the moment.  You
should definitely check this one out.

Well it's been a good day.  Now I am going to go settle down with my book and continue working on myself :)  Hope everyone else has had a good day as well.  If not, there is always tomorrow :)

~Chat Soon~

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